Outstanding Service Award (2011) — Carol Spradling

Carol has tirelessly and effectively represented SIGCAS interests on the ACM Education Council, and has made connections between SIGCAS and important figures in the CS Education community.   She recently worked hard on crafting the ACM CS2013 Curriculum Social & Professional Issues Knowledge Area – it was due to her hard work and stellar reputation that SIGCAS was invited into the process of crafting this curriculum.   In addition to these contributions, she has regularly served as an ambassador of social and professional issues at SIGCSE symposia – attending & contributing to the success of SIGCAS birds-of-a-feather, meetings and workshop sessions.

Text of the Plaque:

SIGCAS Liaison, ACM Education Council
Contributor, ACM/IEEE CS2013 Curriculum on Social & Professional Issues
Tireless SIGCAS Ambassador to SIGCSE and CCSC