Call For Reviews

For the next issue of ACM Computers and Society, we would like to publish three to four book review essays.
Each review should be in the 750-1500 word range and should focus on a recent book related to topics of interest to the SIGCAS membership. Alternately, a longer review essay which examines two or three related books together in some thematic way will also be considered.
Reviewing books is an excellent way for both graduate students and established scholars to contribute to the academic conversation around the general computers and society area.
Please write in an accessible academic style. Each review should provide an account of the book’s remit and if possible provide a critical evaluation of its contributions to the computers and society interest area.
Please submit your review using the intern 2017 ACM Master Article Template available from
Potential authors are encouraged to send initial book review ideas to:
Submission deadline: September 30, 2018