Latest from CSG-ED:

2024 SIGCSE TS Affiliated Event

Strategies for Operationalizing the CS2023 Society-Ethics-Professionalism Recommendations SIGCSE 2024 Affiliate Event Date: March 20, 2024. A pre-SIGCSE Affiliated event! Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm PDT Place: Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon. Room TBA Fees: None. This event is sponsored by SIGCAS and is free for registered SIGCSE symposium attendees. Registration:. Click Here Computing for...

CSG-Ed 2023 Affiliated Event

Computing for Social Good Mentor and Mentee Training SIGCSE 2023 Affiliate Event Date: March 15, 2023. A pre-SIGCSE Affiliated event! Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST  (half-day afternoon event) Place: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Toronto, Canada Room 714 Fees: None. This event is sponsored by SIGCAS and is free for registered SIGCSE symposium attendees...


Dream Big: Addressing Computing for the Social Good in the Computing Curricula SIGCSE 2022 Affiliate Event Date: March 2, 2022. A pre-SIGCSE Affiliated event! Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST  (half-day afternoon event) Place: Rhode Island Convention Center Omni Providence Hotel 1 W Exchange St, Providence, RI 02903 Ballroom 1+4 Fees: None. This event...

CSG-Ed 2021 Mini-Symposium- Resources

Computing for the Social Good Resources Computing for the Social Good in Education (CSGEd) – is a community of like minded educators who strive to convey that learning about computing is a means for learning how to improve our world. Community Leaders: Mikey Goldweber: Xavier University Lisa Kaczmarczyk: Lisa Kaczmarczyk PhD Consulting, LLC &...

CSG-Ed 2021 Mini-Symposium

Computing for the Social Good in Education Checkup: A Renewal on Why We Became Educations SIGCAS 2021 Mini-symposium Affiliate Event Date: March 10, 2021. A pre-SIGCSE Symposium event! Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST  (half-day afternoon event) Place: Virtual Event (link provided at registration) Fees: None. This event is sponsored by SIGCAS and is...

Past Events:

We have a problem:

Global social inequity and environmental degradation are increasing.
Computer science education is not consistently or sufficiently using its ability to make a large positive social impact on these problems.

What is CSG-Ed:

Computing for Social Good (CSG) broadly addresses the ethical and social impacts of computing ranging from hardware to software and everything in between. CSG looks at how computing technology can have positive impacts on individuals and communities, both local and global. CSG is related to computer ethics, security, privacy, reliability and universal access to computer technology, however, the main focus is on how computing can be used to benefit humanity and therefore does not focus directly on any of these topics. CSG is also distinct from socially responsible computing which focuses on the avoidance of harm including topics such as unbiased algorithms, explainable AI, secure systems, etc. CSG-Ed focuses on the positive benefits that can be provided by computing rather than avoiding negative effects.

The ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computers and Society (SIGCAS) focuses on the social consequences of computing globally and has the goal to highlight the impact of technology on society. SIGCAS defines Computing for Social Good in Education (CSG-Ed) as “an umbrella term meant to incorporate any educational activity, from small to large, that endeavors to convey and reinforce computing’s social relevance and potential for positive societal impact.”

CSG-Ed aims to highlight the ability for computing to provide social benefit.

Our Vision:

All computing education programs, whether formal, informal, public or private sector based, integrate computing for social good (CSG) throughout their design and delivery.

Our Mission:

We will develop a network of computer science faculty who are currently integrating CSG into any of their classes and facilitate an ongoing conversation about how to increase the presence of CSG in computing education.

Our Goal:

Five years from now all students majoring in computing will have an experience using computing to better the world.

Recent Publications:


Stay tuned for information coming soon about our planned activities…


Michael Goldweber
Denison University

Lisa Kaczmarczyk
Lisa Kaczmarczyk PhD Consulting, LLC